The term “Operation Terra” refers to two different things: a body of information and an operational concept. It is called “Operation Terra” because its primary focus is on the planet herself, and only secondarily on her lifeforms. The planet has an intimate relationship with her lifeforms and has absorbed a tremendous amount of emotional and thoughtform debris, primarily from her human occupants over the millennia that she has supported them.
All of this debris must somehow be cleansed from the planet in order for her to ascend and fully attain what she was designed to become — a totally NEW planet, one that has never been inhabited before. Operation Terra is the mechanism through which both the planet and its lifeforms will ascend and attain what can only be referred to as an exalted and glorified state when compared with the present situation.
Every atom, every particle of matter on Terra will be fully conscious and cooperate with everything else in a way that is difficult to comprehend from our present state of limited awareness, but both the physical form and the consciousness of every lifeform that makes the trip to Terra (plants and animals included) will be transformed in the course of their own ascension, which will take place in parallel with hers.
The core information on this site was initially presented as a series of 51 Messages — cosmic “lessons” from celestial beings who refer to themselves as the Hosts of Heaven. The Messages received from the Hosts carry light codes that will be responded to by those who carry the matching codes in their own DNA. (There is more detail about this on the Overview page of The Messages section.)
In the time before time existed, the elohim were the product of the First Thought of the Creator. Together, they co-created (and continue to create) everything that exists in a manifest form. The concept of Operation Terra came into being when 144,000 elohim came together and precipitated this reality out of their beingness, approximately 4.5 billion years ago. Planet Earth was intended to become Terra from its inception, and we are now playing our parts in the culmination and fulfillment of that design.

The current operational task is one of assisting Planet Earth in her ascension to her next form — the NEW Earth, Terra — and the colonization of that entirely new planet by groups of pioneers from the present planetary civilizations throughout the galaxy. In order to help the present planet to rise in frequency and shed the accumulated debris, the elohim have projected themselves into the Earth plane as ordinary humans who serve two functions.
The first of these was to act as human lightning rods to ground the higher Light into the core of the present planet, which was necessary to flush out the debris and speed up the spin rates of the particles that make up the physical mass of the planet and everything on her.
This could only be done from within the planet’s aura. It couldn’t be done from a distance. It had to be done on the ground, so those of us who are currently part of Operation Terra and are walking around on the ground volunteered to “come down” to provide that assistance to the planet and for the overall “op.”
The second task was to personally take on a portion of the pain that had been absorbed by the planet and transform it within ourselves. Both of these tasks are being performed by those of us who volunteered to do that, and we are being assisted by those who remain at the higher levels. (There are about 40 million galactic volunteers assisting approximately 6 million of us on the ground.)
We will also provide the living bridge between Planet Earth and Terra by leaving the planet for a time and transforming into the beings who will colonize Terra. We will accomplish this on board a very large mothership (approximately 80% the size of Planet Earth), that we refer to as Midway Station.
Once we have fully colonized Terra and put in place all of the necessary supportive structures, we will also bring forth the first generation to be born there. For other planetary civilizations that will colonize Terra, their process will take place on their home planets and then their colonists will migrate to Terra from there.
Every planet has a theme and a principal activity. Earth’s theme is “beauty” and her principal activity is “seeking harmony in diversity.” Once it is fully colonized, the entire planet of Terra will act as a galactic cultural center, dedicated to demonstrating and attaining that harmony across a broad spectrum of galactic cultures. In addition, everyone and everything on Terra will exemplify beauty in an exalted way. Terra will be the highest attainment for Planet Earth.
The Earth-based portion of the “op” (as we fondly refer to it) is a cooperative venture between those who are on the ground (the “ground troops”) and those who surround the planet on many levels of being. You can read more about the timeline, purpose, structure and present process of the “op” by clicking on the links in this sentence or on the appropriate buttons in the menu for this section of the site.

The Hosts have indicated that we are living during a time when a major cosmic cycle will complete and result in an entirely new Creation, giving rise to the emergence of several different “futures,” each of which occupies a different timeline and compartment of reality. The Operation Terra material focuses on the single timeline that leads to Terra (which is only one of those “futures”). At some point in time, the timeline to Terra will be totally separate from and independent of those other timelines and destinations.

On September 23, 2011, a grid of 12 stargates was activated by a group of people in South America. These stargates are actually portals to wormholes that connect the entrance points that exist in this reality with their respective emergence points in other realities. This provided the mechanism for the eventual emergence of 12 different “futures” from this one shared reality that we refer to as Planet Earth.

The number of people from Planet Earth who will end up on Terra is a little less than 1/10th of 1% of the present population, or approximately 6 million people. They have been created by their Oversouls to make this journey because that is what the Creator wants to experience through them. That is the only reason that anything exists at all.
Being a participant in Operation Terra is not a matter of having earned anything or being more special than anyone else. The Oversoul simply creates its many projections in response to the directives issued by its overlighting eloha (the singular form of elohim, which is a plural word). The elohim and their respective Oversouls are the intermediaries for carrying out the Creator’s desires. The Creator desires to experience EVERYTHING, so the elohim and their Oversouls serve the Creator by creating projections of everything that exists. ALL paths serve the Creator.
Operation Terra is only one tiny part of the larger drama, but it means everything to those of us who are part of it. These teachings from the Hosts speak to the core of our being and our soul. It is very common for people to weep when they first come across the material — in both joy and relief when they discover that they are not the only ones who know what they know. We are relatively few in number, are widely scattered all over the world, and are often quite isolated from others who share our vision and understanding.

Operation Terra has a radically different view from most other sources of information because it clearly states that we are here to SUPPORT and ALLOW the “earth changes” as a necessary part of the cleansing and ascension of the planet. In other words, we take the view that “There is nothing to fix, nothing to stop, and nothing to pray for except an outcome that is in keeping with the highest good for all.”
We, too, are being purged of all energy patterns that are not part of OUR essential self, as nothing of the “old world” can be taken with us into the new world that we will inhabit, and THAT requires US to offer up all that WE contain, without judging any of it as being outside of love.
On our particular timeline (one of several that will exist simultaneously), we will witness the ending of the present Creation and the removal of all lifeforms from Planet Earth that are above the mineral kingdom. Massive Earth changes will culminate in a geophysical Pole Shift that will leave the planet barren and totally devoid of life and water. (This will be a shift in the planet’s physical axis of rotation, not a shift in the magnetic poles, which has occurred before and may occur again.) There are many large fleets of spacecraft arrayed around the planet to assist in this transition, and all will arrive at the destinations that their Oversouls designed them for.
In the separating out of the timelines from one another, many will appear to die on any given timeline, but in fact they may be continuing their lives on another timeline and experiencing another scenario, so all expressions will be provided for. Many will pass out of their bodies and remain on the astral plane until another incarnational opportunity presents. Some of THOSE will incarnate on Terra as the first generation of Terran natives.
The Hosts have given us a roadmap for OUR journey and told us how to deal with these times. However, in each moment that presents, we must also turn within ourselves for our answers and respond to it in the way that is most right for us as individuals. Our spiritual team is with us every step of the way and we are never alone in this journey, even if we can’t physically see those who accompany us.
This is a journey of transformation of both consciousness and form. Everything on Terra will be exalted. Every atom will be consciously connected to the whole, and all will operate on a foundation of peace, joy, and love — cooperation instead of competition, harmony instead of conflict, and full, conscious, ECSTATIC communion with the Creator at all times.
Take your time and explore this site. Make use of the resources offered in ways that work for you. “Let go, let God [handle the details]” is the operative order of the day. Surrender IS the way through the chaos, and we simply need to bow our heads and let the winds and waves of change flow on past us. No one will be unaffected by what comes now, and no one will be lost.
— Sara/Adonna/Oriole