The material on this website is intended for three audiences:
1) Those who will make the trip to Terra now, from the platform of their present incarnation;
2) Those who will drop their present bodies (i.e., “die”) and incarnate on Terra as the first generation of native Terrans; and
3) Those who will drop their present bodies (i.e., “die”) and go on to experience more third-density lives before they finally incarnate on Terra.
Each of us has been created by our Oversouls for a particular and specific purpose. If we are in the first group listed above, our personal purpose requires us to migrate to Terra from within our present incarnation in order to provide the adult bodies that will create the fetuses into which the second group can incarnate, and we will have to transform both our consciousness and our physical form in order to fulfill that purpose.
That transformation is not required for anyone in the second and third groups, but I feel it’s useful for all of us to consider how profound that transformation will be, because all of us will experience it eventually, when it’s time for us to personally do that.
Butterflies are widely accepted as symbols of physical transformation because part of their normal life cycle includes their physical transformation from a caterpillar into a butterfly.
When a caterpillar hatches out of its egg and begins to eat leaves, it has certain characteristics in common with all of the other caterpillars. Its body is made up of many segments, each with a pair of legs, so it also has many legs. Its mouth is designed to chew on leaves, and its eyes are relatively simple, often carried on protruding stalks.
It has a soft body, covered with a flexible skin, and it must crawl in order to get around. The caterpillar placidly munches its way through its growth phase, crawling around from one leaf to another. Then one day, an inner timing mechanism kicks in and the caterpillar spins a cocoon around itself until it is completely enclosed. The cocoon hardens and then a miraculous transformation occurs.
Tucked safely inside its cocoon, the caterpillar’s body literally dissolves. Only the heart remains and it still beats. The rest breaks down into a gooey “soup” of organic materials that has no form at all. If we were to open the cocoon at that point, the “goo” would never become anything. It would just dry out and die. However, if it is not harmed or interrupted, the “goo” forms up into another shape altogether — that of the developing butterfly.
Instead of the soft skin, it forms a hard shell. Instead of a mouth that is adapted to chew leaves, it develops a long tube, curled into a tightly wound spiral, designed to reach deep into flowers and suck out their nectar. The eyes form as part of the head and are complex. Instead of many segments, there are only three, each with a pair of legs.
Instead of being limited to crawling in order to get around, a delicate and intricate system of membranes, framework, and muscles takes shape; it will become the butterfly’s wings. All of this takes place in secret, hidden away from the eyes of potential predators, but it is truly one of the miracles of nature.
Finally, all is complete. The butterfly emerges from the cocoon and perches on a leaf or stalk, but its wings are still rumpled from being folded tightly against its body. Its heart pumps fluid into the hollow framework of the wings and they unfold to their final size and shape. The framework hardens as the wings dry in the air. Then the butterfly takes its first flight, a totally different creature than the caterpillar it used to be.
What, then, has happened to the caterpillar? Has it died? No, of course not. It has simply changed its form.
When we speak of people dying, we mean the process in which the spirit separates from the body, leaving it behind to decay into its more elemental components, while the spirit moves on to occupy another plane of reality.
We have all done this so many times that it is easy to forget that it is not always necessary to do this when it is time to move on to another phase of our existence. Just as the caterpillar has not “died” (i.e., left its body behind) in order to become a butterfly, we do not have to die (i.e., leave our bodies behind) in order to become our “new selves” for the new Earth, Terra. We simply have to change from one form into another
When various spiritual writings make reference to a “glorified body,” it is this other form that is being referred to. In order to understand this, one needs to consider the spectrum of existence. We each occupy a spectrum of reality that spans from these dense physical bodies up through many levels — each one of a finer substance than the one below it — to a level where we are pure consciousness and light.
If you pass white light through a prism, it will spread out into bands of different colored light. A rainbow exhibits these colors when sunlight passes through a mist of water droplets, each of which acts as a tiny prism that splits the light into those bands of color with which we are so familiar. When the pure Light of the Creator is spread into different bands of reality — different “planes” or “densities/dimensions” — it vibrates at different frequencies, just as the different colors of light vibrate at different frequencies.
At the level of third-density (3D) physical matter, by using our physical eyes, we can generally see colors from red (the lowest/slowest frequency we can perceive) through violet (the highest/fastest frequency we can perceive). But there is also light that is below the frequency that we can perceive (infrared, for example) and light that is above the frequency we can perceive (ultraviolet, for example) with our physical eyes. It is THERE, but we cannot perceive it because our instruments of perception (in this case, our physical eyes) are limited to perceiving a certain range of frequencies.
In the transformation we will make on our way to Terra, we will be shifting our own frequency and we will then be able to perceive a different range of frequencies than are available to us now. Terra already exists — right here, right now — but we cannot directly perceive her because we have not shifted into the same frequency band that she occupies. In order to see and experience her directly, we have to make a shift in consciousness, frequency, and perception. They are inextricably linked.
Each different “plane” or frequency band within the reality spectrum vibrates across a discrete range of frequencies. Each “form” that we occupy takes its characteristics from the frequency band it occupies. We express in different bodies for each part of the spectrum of reality. I have remembered four other bodies that I occupy at other frequency bands. They are all quite different from each other and each one is the appropriate form for its particular frequency band.
The bodies we are in right now are the appropriate vehicles for us at this level of reality, just as the caterpillar’s body was uniquely adapted to its type of existence as a crawling insect. However, in order to inhabit Terra, we have to transform into totally different kinds of bodies that will be the appropriate vehicles for THAT level of reality.
When the Messages say that we do not have to die, it is similar to the caterpillar-to-butterfly transformation: there is a change in the actual form, but the particular lifestream continues without interruption. Those of us who are destined to physically colonize Terra will not die; we will simply change form. In fact, we are already well on our way to doing just that.
Then there are those who will incarnate on Terra through the normal birth process, just as babies incarnate through the normal birth process here on Earth. But where will the sperm and eggs and wombs to create and nurture those babies come from?
Sperm and eggs and wombs don’t just materialize in the air and create babies. Some adult forms must be present in order to “seed” and colonize the new planet. They must come from somewhere. That is part of what Operation Terra is about: gathering up the seed stock for the new world. Some of us (the first group in the list) are destined to be the progenitors of a whole new species of beings, and in order to do that, we ourselves must transform our present bodies into those that are appropriate for the new world. We are taking our bodies with us, so in that sense, we will not die.
You may point out that in the caterpillar-to-butterfly example, the caterpillar may just change form, but the butterfly eventually completes its life cycle, lays the eggs for the new generation of caterpillars, and then “dies” (leaves its body behind). That is true for 3D butterflies, but when we have completely transformed our consciousness to that of our next level of being, we will complete each life after that by consciously choosing to change form, again and again and again. We will never again have to leave our body behind (which is what it means to “die”), so therefore, we will never have to “die” again.
This transformation is going to happen to a fairly large number of people — several million, in fact — so it has to be a well-established process in order for it to happen to so many in the relatively short time left for third-density Earth to shift into fourth density. We are indeed the “last generation” spoken of in the scriptures, regardless of our chronological age. At some point, Operation Terra will have to gather up those who will be the pioneers in the new world. This entire website is dedicated to providing information about that particular process and journey as well as the context in which it takes place.
Peace and blessings,