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To protect against spam, this is a double-opt-in list, so you will have to CONFIRM your subscription through the email you will be sent, asking you to confirm it by clicking on a link.
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NOTE: If you don’t accept HTML emails (the default) and the link in the confirmation email breaks across 2 lines (it usually does in text emails), copy both parts of it and paste them into your browser’s address bar. Otherwise the link won’t work.
If all of this is too complicated for you, just send an email to and ask me to put you on the list.
The mailings are sent out in English, so if that isn’t your language, the DeepL online translator is excellent. If it doesn’t offer your language, you can try Google Translate.
To see the online archive of all previous mailings since May 2, 2019, click here.
Thank you for your interest in Operation Terra! I take your personal privacy very seriously. None of your personal information will ever be shared with anyone else without your prior knowledge and express consent. Your information will never be sold to anyone under any circumstances.
— Sara/Adonna/Oriole