March 23, 2009
All right, now. There is little to say of a general nature, but we would like to summarize a number of things that we have referred to in the past and cast them within a new light, hopefully to bring a proper focus and understanding to everything that is now unfolding.

To begin with, all things are now in motion that will lead to the conclusion of the arc of experience that began when the elohim came together to precipitate this portion of reality out of their beingness. As we have indicated, this conclusion will be complete at the point in time when the first generation of children born onto Terra is mature enough to take over the reins from that point on. When that occurs, those of you who came together those billions of years ago will have completed your contract with one another and with the planet and galaxy as well.
This point in time is still many years into your future. Your children will not be born until the colonization is well-established and running smoothly. All structures and personnel that are needed to be involved in the raising of those children need to be in place and harmonized with everything else that is going on, and that alone is a process of many years. Measured in your present time, we are describing a period extending approximately 150 to 200 years from now, and that is the time horizon we recommend you use as you think about the process you are engaged with right now.
It is understandable that your focus will be on the liftings … and the evacuation itself, but those comprise less than 1% of the time frame we are talking about.

… This is all a process that has been in motion for centuries, and there are still approximately two centuries left to complete this process, so though the immediate future appears to hold some intensity for you, it will be of a passing nature when compared to the remainder of what is left to play out. We hope these comments will help you to remain in proper relationship between the details and the bigger picture.
… Once everyone is on board Midway Station and involved in the processes that will proceed from there, the difficulties will be behind you and the process will become much more pleasurable, interesting, and varied.

You will not fully grasp the gift that is Terra until the time comes for you to take your leave of her and you take your “last look around” at what you have achieved there. You will not comprehend your achievement until you see it in its fullest flowering by looking at your own children acting as adults in that environment, see the flow of individuals and information that passes between Terra and the rest of the galaxy, and look back on the journey that you went through in reaching that point in time. It is only then that you will fully appreciate what has occurred and what you have created.

Because those of you who are reading this are still on the ground, you also do not appreciate the vast numbers of beings who are assisting in this project. Once you are lifted and aware of your surroundings, that will also add to your experience and understanding. Eventually, you will lose your amnesia and appreciate who you are also, but that is something that you cannot grasp at this point in time, while you are still veiled and identifying with your present bodies as being who you are. That will change.
We will have one more of these private messages before we are through speaking to you in this way. It will essentially be our goodbye to the relationship we have had with you in the past, a pause in the unfolding of the project that we are participating in along with you, and then — when it is time for each of you to do so — you will be standing with us and acting as full partners with us in carrying out the rest of what remains to occur. There is only so much we can say until words become unnecessary and actions are what count.

This is something that must be lived, rather than talked about, so if you need more than this, you can talk with one another, you can go back and re-read what we have already given to you, and — most of all — you can listen within.
The fundamentals are simple. It may not be easy for you to make a habit of them, but in the end it always comes down to those simple fundamentals. We do not need to repeat them here. You know what they are. Use them and make them a way of life in the time remaining to you. Soon, all of us will be moving on to our respective next steps in the journey and the silence will speak loudly of our departure. We have essentially accomplished what can be accomplished in this manner and now it is up to you to make use of what we have given and walk the rest of the way on your own, toward your particular expression and destination, whatever that may be.
We leave you now in peace, and honor, and blessing. Amen, Adonoy Sabayoth. We are the Hosts of Heaven.
[Amen, and thank you.]