
Over the years that I have heard from other people regarding Operation Terra, there were two common themes that showed up, across different countries and cultures. One was that they had known about what they read in the Operation Terra material for a long time before finding their way to the site and until then, they thought they were the only one who knew what they knew.
The second theme was connected with the first one in some way, because they expressed a profound feeling of isolation from people of like mind. While it’s true that no two of us will see or understand things in exactly the same way, it is very comforting to be able to connect with others who understand us and who can relate to us just as we are.
The Operation Terra family is scattered all over the globe, but through the medium of the Internet, we can connect with each other and receive support for our journey by doing so. In addition to the information presented on this site, anyone can contact me via email and receive Operation Terra News through the mailing list.
All of these ways of connecting with each other are available through this site at no charge to anyone. If you feel you would like to provide financial support for what is being done here, that is another way you can connect with and feel part of this ongoing “op.”
No matter which of these you make use of, all of them will serve to reduce any sense of isolation you may have at this time. It is my current understanding that I will be available to support those on the ground until the evacuation is complete, regardless of where I might be physically located. If that changes, this entire “Connect” section will be taken down, although the rest of the site will remain.
In service,